Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Forensic Medicine Multiple choice Questions and Answers for all compitative exams

31. Cadaveric spasm commonly seen in
a. Legs
b. Hands
c. Neck muscles
d. Involuntary muscles
Ans: B

32. Heat stiffening occurs when body exposed to temperature
a. 450C
b. 550C
c. 650C
d. 750C
Ans: C

33. Chief agent for bacterial putrefaction is
a. E.coli
b. B. fragilis
c. C.welchii
d. Staph aureus
Ans: C

34. Postmortem hemolysis due to bacterial enzyme
a. Lecithinase
b. Phospholipase
c. Streptokinase
d. Hyaluronidase
Ans: A

35. First external sign of putrefaction of body lying in air is around
a. Umbilicus
b. Rt iliac fossa
c. Lt iliac fossa
d. Chest wall
Ans: B

36. Greenish colour earliest sign of putrefaction due to
a. Hb
b. Meta Hb
c. SulphmetHb
d. CarboxyHb
Ans: C

37. Combustible gas of autolysis is
a. Nitrogen dioxide
b. Hydrogen sulphide
c. Methane
d. Carbon dioxide
Ans: B

38. Postmortem luminescence due to
a. Photobacterium fischeri
b. Armillaria mellea
Ans: A

39. First internal organ to putrefy is
a. Heart
b. Brain
c. Larynx / trachea
d. Kidney
Ans: C

40. Last organ to putrefy
a. Uterus / prostate
b. Testes
c. Ovary
d. Adrenals
Ans: A


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