Friday, 28 November 2014

15 TOP Nutrition Interview Questions and Answers

Latest Nutrition Interview Questions and Answers pdf free download

1. What could be used as an alternative to salt?
 In what capacity? Flavoring? Preservation? De-icing?

2. Most people use a variety of herbs and spices to help reduce the salt in their diets.
What is nonessinetial amino acids? What is carbohydrates?
These are minerals to give you energy. They can be found in grain type of foods.
Ex: Cereal - That's why you should eat breakfast!
Others: Rice, Crackers, etc.

3. What is carbohydrates? What is cat grass?
 Cat Oat Grass and Cat Wheat Grass are cereal grasses. The oat grass is widely cultivated for its edible seeds. Our popular breakfast oat cereals and wheat cereals are made from the seeds of these plants! The wheat grass is also widely cultivated for its commercially important grain.Athletes and other health conscious people have made juicing the wheat grass very popular. They drink the wheat juice for its high concentrated levels of vitamins and minerals. The vitamins and minerals in the grass improve your cat's overall health.

4. How do i convert KCAL to calorie?
KCAL simply means kilocalorie. The prefix "kilo" means 1000. Therefore, a KCAL or kilocalorie is simply 1000 calories.

5. What is braunsweiger?
Pork liver sausage. (although only about 10-20 % of the sausage is actually pork liver). I've seen people refer to duck liver as liverwurst. I've used liverwurst and braunsweiger interchangeably my whole life, but I understand that braunsweiger is the more spreadable form and used primarily in the US.

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