Friday, 28 November 2014

20 TOP Oral Radiology Interview Questions and Answers

Latest Oral Radiology Interview Questions and Answers pdf free download

1. what is oral radiology?
A: oral radiology is a medical specialty which focuses on the creation and interpretation of diagnostic images of the mouth and surrounding area. Dentists utilize oral radiology in their practices, as do head and neck surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, and other members of the medical profession who work around the head and neck. In some regions, oral radiology is a recognized medical subspecialty and people such as dentists and radiologists can apply for board certification in this area

2. what are the disadvantages of being a Dental Assistant?
A: getting f#cked by the dentist being elbow deep in the mouth of a crackhead whose mouth looks like he garggled acid and smells like something died. Plus you won''t make any money while the dentist hauls down six figures. People''s mouth, need I say more? It''s almost as bad as being a proctologist assistant. Well, smelling peoples breath all day and having to see what they had for lunch every day would seem to be drawbacks of the profession! Well, I couldn''t spend my day looking into other peoples mouths, but I''m glad some people can or else there would be nobody to fix our teeth when problems arise

3. oral surgery
A: Dianne -  Both redoing the upper jaw surgery and moving it forward along with setting back of the lower jaw is definitely possible.  Before any surgery is done, a full radiologic work up along with a dental model work up must be done to achieve a result that is not only functionally sufficient, but is also physically pleasing. The full work up is necessary and you need to see the work up after it isdone.  The surgeon must go over the different options and show what your face will look like with both upper and lower at the same time, with only upper or only lower.

4. oral tingling
A: facial pain, facial tingling, peri-oral tingling, numbness, DDD, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease Dear Lynn, Sorry to hear of your complaints. It sounds like you have been having a good thorough workup.  Obviously a thorough examination with Xray, MRI, CT, EMG, EEG, blood tests, etc. is the first step. Facial nerve, trigeminal nerve, TMJ are all areas to be evaluate. I also agree with you, and not the doctors,  that perhaps (even indirectly) the cervical spine can be contributing to this problem. I recommend a Doctor of Chiropractic with additional credentials

5. CT of abd and pelvis w/oral contrast
A: 1. Prominent = large or increased in size 2. You are probably feeling Fat accumulations. Fat is what we refer to as lucent or easily passed through by radiation so this would not be readily seen with the normal penetrating power of the X-ray beam. Endometriosis isthe thickening of the lining inside of the uterus

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