Friday, 11 September 2015

80 TOP Forensic Medicine objective type questions and answers

11. Child brain attains mature size and wt at about
a. 3 yrs
b. 5 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. 9 yrs

12. Time limit for exhumation in India is
a. 2 yrs
b. 5 yrs
c. 7 yrs
d. no time limit
Ans: D

13. For transplantation cornea can be removed from dead upto
a. 6 hrs
b. 12 hrs
c. 18 hrs
d. 24 hrs
Ans: A

14. Exhumation done under order by
a. Police officer
b. Superintendent police
c. First class magistrate
Ans: C

15. Diagnosis of brain death dependent upon all except
a. Dilated/fixed pupil
b. No spontaneous breathing
c. Flat EEG
d. Cessation of cardiac contraction.
Ans: D

16. After stoppage of circulation muscles can live upto
a. 10 mts
b. 30 mts
c. 3 hrs
d. 6 hrs
Ans: B

17. Anoxic anoxia produced by all except
a. Drowning
b. Fire accidents
c. Cyanide poisoning
d. Strangulation
Ans: C

18. Tardieu spots in hanging are common at all the following sites except
a. Scalp
b. Eyebrow
c. Chest wall
d. Face
Ans: C

19. Tardieu’s spot
a. Septicemia
b. Endocarditis
c. Meningococcemia
d. All of the above
Ans: D

20. Earliest sign of death is
a. loss of skin elasticity
b. Corneal clouding
c. Cooling of body
d. Postmortem lividity
Ans: A


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