Friday, 11 September 2015

Forensic Medicine viva questions and answers pdf

1. Most common pattern finger print is
a. Whorls
b. Loops
c. Composite
d. Arches
Ans: B

2. Dactylography introduced in India by
a. William Herschel
b. Frances Galton
c. Locard
Ans: A

3. Poroscopy is
a. Counting pores of sweat glands
b. Counting pores of sebaceous glands
c. Counting number of ridges
Ans: A

4. Tattoo marks destroyed, their presence can be inferred from presence of pigment in
a. Deep dermis
b. Subcutaneous tissue
c. Lymph nodes Regional
Ans: C

5. Blush discolouration of neck of tooth due to
a. Cyanosis
b. Bismuth
c. Copper
d. Nicotine
Ans: D

6. Suspected air embolism body cavity to be opened first is
a. Brain
b. Thorax
c. Abdomen
d. PelvisAns:
Ans: B

7. “Under taker’s fracture” due to falling of head (Backward) occurs at
a. L5S1
b. T12L1
c. C6L7
d. C1-C2
Ans: C

8. Most fixed part of intestine is
a. Duodenum
b. Jejunum
c. Colon
d. Ileum
Ans: A

9. After death blood usually remains fluid except in
a. Pneumonia
b. Septicemia
c. CO poisoning
d. Hypofibrinogenemia
Ans: A

10. “Nutmeg liver” refers to
a. Amoebic hepatitis
b. Pyogenic abscess
c. Chronic venous congestion
d. Portal cirrhosis

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